Beer is like psychology: 7 quotations from Olivier Huens, a belgian brewer
Olivier Huens, a promising Belgian brewer, who has been brewing beer since 14 years old, met with beer connoisseurs at the Beer Theatre “Pravda”. He told about ideal beer and beer drinking culture in Belgium.

Olivier has already been brewing beer for 10 years and represents an international well-known brewery “Brasserie de la Senne”. He has brewed beer several times at the Beer Theatre “Pravda” in Lviv and intends to make more newer brands of beer. 

Here are the most interesting moments from Olivier’s seminar in Lviv: 

#1. It’s stupid to make beer just for yourself. I make beer for people! 

#2. My job is similar to psychologists – bringing satisfaction. Satisfaction from beer. People drinking beer should speak about it!

#3. I brewed beer starting from 50 liters at the time. Now I sell beer even to China, a special exclusive recipe for Chinese market!

#4. Hygiene is the most essential issue for brewers. Beer is very sensitive. You may have a lot of problems due to dirt and bacteria. That’s why, when you brew beer, 90% of time is spent on washing and cleaning and only 10% - brewing. 

#5. It’s complicated to classify manufactured beer into some category. For instance, people like and drink Brussels “Taras Boulba” all over the world. It’s famous beer but it hasn’t had a specified category yet. It’s bitter though low alcohol beer…

#6. If beer foam falls quickly, it’s bad! Foam protects beer from oxidation and keeps it cool longer and tasty. 

#7. I enjoy brewing beer that I like to drink! I am keen on bitter one but I also like fruit beer that most people don’t like. 

Olivier Huens has already brewed a famous sort of beer “Syla” (light strong beer (8% alcohol), rich, combines sweet taste with bitterness).

We would like to remind you that two sorts of Lviv manufactured beer “Pravda Syla” and “Pravda Svyato” are on sale at the shop at the Beer Theatre “Pravda” at 32 Rynok Square, tel: 050 374 49 86. Find us on Facebook.