We support Euromaidan!
Everyone who is eager to change, everyone who believes in better life will rise during this important and crucial time for our country.

Our Community of the Ones Who Care does not stand aside from these events. On Thursday evening, on November 28, we visited Euromaidan in Lviv in order to serve hot meals to people. Of course, we couldn't do without surprises and vivid characters. A bear with a balalaika served people hot blinis (pancakes). Maidan protestors refused from this “provocative” offer, yelling “Shame on you!” Later on, everyone helped themselves withUkrainian hot dishes: strudels, salads, pies and soup. We continue to support Euromaidan in Lviv from now on.

On November 29 we joined “the live chain”, the second in the history of Ukraine. This Eurochain united Ukraine with Poland as a sign of unity with the European Union. We held hands, sang the anthem, smiled to each other. Holding hands, we felt unitedand ready to work for the sake of a common aim.

We have introduced a strike-menuinall “!FEST” restaurants: one who orders dishes from it, has a possibility to help people who defend our interests at Maidan.

Men staff from “Kryjivka” and “The Most Expensive Galician Restaurant” also struggle for our future at Euromaidan in Kyiv. 

And we will not stop here! We will make our city and the country better together!